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Agni Malagina


Agni Malagina

Project: The West From the View of Chinese Diaspora: Entrepreneurship in Indonesia

Room: Belfortstr. 18, room 03 010

Tel.: 0761/203-4869



Agni Malagina, born in 1979, studied Chinese Literature and History at the Universitas Indonesia, where, from 2004 to 2009, she worked as lecturer. Her research interests include Modern Chinese Literature, Chinese Malay Literature, and transnational Chinese in Indonesia. She is currently a Ph.D candidate at the Department of History at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg conducting an interdisciplinary research project called "Beyond Occidentalism".


Agni Malagina, 1979年出生,印尼大学中文文学及历史系毕业,2004年至2009年于该校任教(讲师)。主要研究兴趣为现代中国文学、马来华裔文学和印度尼西亚华人。弗莱堡大学历史系博士生,正在进行的跨学科研究项目主题为“超越西方主义”,主要研究印尼华侨华人,以中国企业家为案例。

Download: Dissertation project (abstract)

Link: Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg